Boost the Love

Bubble Notes are whimsical, sweet, funny notes to brighten anyone’s day.  Help make your kiddo feel special and BOOST that smile upon their face.  These smile boosting notes are perfect for lunchboxes, backpacks, upon pillows or plates.  LET’S ALL BOOST THE LOVE IN THIS WORLD ONE BUBBLE NOTE AT A TIME!

Do your kids get a little nervous before a test or a new change or challenge at school?  Place a Smile Booster in their backpack to let them know you are cheering them on from afar!  Instant SMILE!

Maybe your family, is one of the many where your child or children go between two homes.  Let them know you are thinking about them when they are not with you.

Is it a long, overdue date night, and the kids are off to Grandma’s for a sleepover?  Pack a simple, sweet Happy Bubble Note in their bag to let them know how loved they are, and you are sending them happy thoughts.

Happy Bubble Notes are the bubble perfect size!  Premium, quality business size cards (3.5 x 2)!  They are the superb size to place and fit anywhere.  Also, ideal to tuck in and add-on with any GIFT CARD.  If colorful boosting envelopes are what you need, add those to your pack purchase! (Sold in SOLO BOOSTS)